You will not be able to submit/save a rank for this job in return, which means that you will not be matched with this job. Think about this possibility when you are applying!Įmployer has chosen not to rank you. Remember: If you rank the job a 10, it’s still possible that you’ll be matched. Tip: You can rank multiple jobs as "1" to increase your chances of being hired.
Think about this possibility when you are ranking!Įmployer has ranked you somewhere between 2 and 10. Remember: If you rank multiple offers a 1, the WaterlooWorks algorithm will randomly employ you in one of the jobs.
If you rank the job a “1” in return, you’ll be matched! Tip: If you have one or more job offers, rank your preferred job a “1” and all others from 2-10. “Offer”Įmployer has ranked you a “1” and offered you the job. On WaterlooWorks, you’ll see the following qualifiers next to each job that you’ve interviewed for in your ranking form. Remember: your co-op advisor is available to help you with your ranking strategy! The Centre for Career Action also offers specific ranking consultation appointments before the first big match of every term to help you make your decisions (visit important dates). Once the ranking window closes, an algorithm will look for the lowest sum (e.g., 1+1=2) to determine job matches for every open position. If both you and the job are still available, you’ll be matched to that job (and if not, the system will continue to look for the next lowest sum until the job is filled).
This order is intentional: we ask employers to rank students first so you can make your decisions. After the employers submit their rankings, you can view and submit/save your own rankings on the dates and times specified on the important dates calendar. In this process, employers rank students from 1-10 and students rank them from 1-10 in return. After interviews, you’ll find out how you did through something we call the “Rank/Match Process."